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Water is one of the serious common threats to the communities we serve.

CIOC Humanitarian Initiative works to set up water reserves for people to have clean and safe drinking water.

water pump

10,000+ people

9+ villages

3 schools

10,000+ people

collect water from this well. People also share this well with animals.


Sometimes, after walking for miles to get to this well, people find it dry.

9+ villages

Villagers, mostly children, walk several miles to come to this single well to collect water for drinking and cooking.

When it rains, the water runs down to this well and muddies the water.

3 schools

Schoolchildren walk for hours before or after school to fetch water for their families.

Water fo the Communities

CIOC Humanitarian Initiative

Water for the Community

One of CIOC Humanitarian Initiative's mission is to build 20 additional boreholes and piped water for communities in over 9 villages, including  Malwa, Kanyogoga, and Lugo, to have clean and safe water. 



You can do something

Wherever you are, no matter how much, you can help.

Please consider giving to our Clean Water for Communities. 


Telephone: +256393228921 / 0200983983


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